Change Log & Release Notes ========================== Please note that the Trusted Firmware-A Tests version follows the Trusted Firmware-A version for simplicity. At any point in time, TF-A Tests version `x.y` aims at testing TF-A version `x.y`. Different versions of TF-A and TF-A Tests are not guaranteed to be compatible. This also means that a version upgrade on the TF-A-Tests side might not necessarily introduce any new feature. Version 2.3 ----------- New features ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - More tests are made available in this release to help validate the functionality of TF-A. - CI upgraded to use GCC 9.2-2019.12 toolchain for tf-a-tests. - Various improvements to test framework and test suite. TFTF ~~~~ - Support for extended register usage as per SMCCC v1.2 specification. - Support for FVP platforms with SMT capabilities. - Improved support for documentation through addition of basic Sphinx configuration and Makefile similar to TF-A repository. - Enhancement to libc library synchronous to TF-A code base. - ARMv8.3-PAuth enabled for all FWU tests in TFTF. - TFTF made RFC 4122 compliant by converting UUIDs to network order format. - Build improvement by deprecating custom AARCH64/AARCH32 macros in favor of __arch64__ macro provided by compiler. - Support for HVC as a SMCCC conduit in TFTF. - New tests: - AArch32 tests for checking if PMU counters leak in secure world. - Add new debug filesystem (debugfs) test. - Add a SPCI direct messaging test targeting bare-metal cactus SP. Secure partitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cactus ~~~~~~ - Several build improvements and symbol relocation fixup to make it position independent executable. - Update of sample manifest to SPCI Beta1 format. - Support for generating JSON file as required by TF-A. Issues resolved since last release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Makefile bug fix for performing parallel builds. - Add missing D-cache invalidation of RW memory in tftf_entrypoint to safeguard against possible corruption. - Fixes in GIC drivers to support base addresses beyond 4G range. - Fix build with XML::LibXML 2.0202 Perl module Known issues and limitations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The sections below list the known issues and limitations of each test image provided in this repository. Unless and otherwise stated, issues and limitations stated in previous release continue to exist in this release. TFTF ~~~~ - NODE_HW_STATE test has been temporarily disabled for sgi575 platform due to a dependency on SCP binaries version 2.5 Version 2.2 ----------- New features ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - A wide range of tests are made available in this release to help validate the functionality of TF-A. - Various improvements to test framework and test suite. TFTF ~~~~ - Enhancement to xlat table library synchronous to TF-A code base. - Enabled strict alignment checks (SCTLR.A & SCTLR.SA) in all images. - Support for a simple console driver. Currently it serves as a placeholder with empty functions. - A topology helper API is added in the framework to get parent node info. - Support for FVP with clusters having upto 8 CPUs. - Enhanced linker script to separate code and RO data sections. - Relax SMC calls tests. The SMCCC specification recommends Trusted OSes to mitigate the risk of leaking information by either preserving the register state over the call, or returning a constant value, such as zero, in each register. Tests only allowed the former behaviour and have been extended to allow the latter as well. - Pointer Authentication enabled on warm boot path with individual APIAKey generation for each CPU. - New tests: - Basic unit tests for xlat table library v2. - Tests for validating SVE support in TF-A. - Stress tests for dynamic xlat table library. - PSCI test to measure latencies when turning ON a cluster. - Series of AArch64 tests that stress the secure world to leak sensitive counter values. - Test to validate PSCI SYSTEM_RESET call. - Basic tests to validate Memory Tagging Extensions are being enabled and ensuring no undesired leak of sensitive data occurs. - Enhanced tests: - Improved tests for Pointer Authentication support. Checks are performed to see if pointer authentication keys are accessible as well as validate if secure keys are being leaked after a PSCI version call or TSP call. - Improved AMU test to remove unexecuted code iterating over Group1 counters and fix the conditional check of AMU Group0 counter value. Secure partitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A new Secure Partition Quark is introduced in this release. Quark ~~~~~ The Quark test secure partition provided is a simple service which returns a magic number. Further, a simple test is added to test if Quark is functional. Issues resolved since last release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Bug fix in libc memchr implementation. - Bug fix in calculation of number of CPUs. - Streamlined SMC WORKAROUND_2 test and fixed a false fail on Cortex-A76 CPU. - Pointer Authentication support is now available for secondary CPUs and the corresponding tests are stable in this release. Known issues and limitations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The sections below list the known issues and limitations of each test image provided in this repository. Unless and otherwise stated, issues and limitations stated in previous release continue to exist in this release. TFTF ~~~~ - Multicore spurious interrupt test is observed to have unstable behavior. As a temporary solution, this test is skipped for AArch64 Juno configurations. - Generating SVE instructions requires `O3` compilation optimization. Since the current build structure does not allow compilation flag modification for specific files, the function which tests support for SVE has been pre-compiled and added as an assembly file. Version 2.1 ----------- New features ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add initial support for testing Secure Partition Client Interface (SPCI) and Secure Partition Run-Time (SPRT) standards. Exercise the full communication flow throughout the software stack, involving: - A Secure-EL0 test partition as the Trusted World agent. - TFTF as the Normal World agent. - The Secure Partition Manager (SPM) in TF-A. - Various stability improvements, code refactoring and clean ups. TFTF ~~~~ - Reorganize tests build infrastructure to allow the selection of a subset of tests. - Reorganize the platform layer for improved clarity and simplicity. - Sanitise inclusion of drivers header files. - Enhance the test report format for improved clarity and conciseness. - Dump CPU registers when hitting an unexpected exception. Previously, this would silently loop forever. - Import libc from TF-A to better align the two code bases. - New tests: - SPM tests for exercising communication through either the MM or SPCI/SPRT interfaces. - SMC calling convention tests. - Initial tests for Armv8.3 Pointer Authentication support (experimental). - New platform ports: - `Arm SGI-575`_ FVP. - Hikey960 board (experimental). - `Arm Neoverse Reference Design N1 Edge (RD-N1-Edge)`_ FVP (experimental). Secure partitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We now have 3 Secure Partitions to test the SPM implementation in TF-A. Cactus-MM ''''''''' The Cactus test secure partition provided in version 2.0 has been renamed into "*Cactus-MM*". It is still responsible for testing the SPM implementation based on the Arm Management Mode Interface. Cactus '''''' This is a new test secure partition (as the former "*Cactus*" has been renamed into "*Cactus-MM*", see above). Unlike *Cactus-MM*, this image tests the SPM implementation based on the SPCI and SPRT draft specifications. It runs in Secure-EL0 and performs the following tasks: - Test that TF-A has correctly setup the secure partition environment (access to cache maintenance operations, to floating point registers, etc.) - Test that TF-A accepts to change data access permissions and instruction permissions on behalf of Cactus for memory regions the latter owns. - Test communication with SPM through SPCI/SPRT interfaces. Ivy ''' This is also a new test secure partition. It is provided in order to test multiple partitions support in TF-A. It is derived from Cactus and essentially provides the same services but with different identifiers at the moment. EL3 payload ~~~~~~~~~~~ - New platform ports: - `Arm SGI-575`_ FVP. - `Arm Neoverse Reference Design N1 Edge (RD-N1-Edge)`_ FVP (experimental). Issues resolved since last release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - The GICv2 spurious IRQ test is no longer Juno-specific. It is now only GICv2-specific. - The manual tests in AArch32 state now work properly. After investigation, we identified that this issue was not AArch32 specific but concerned any test relying on state information persisting across reboots. It was due to an incorrect build configuration. - Cactus-MM now successfully links with GNU toolchain 7.3.1. Known issues and limitations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The sections below lists the known issues and limitations of each test image provided in this repository. TFTF ~~~~ The TFTF test image might be conceptually sub-divided further in 2 parts: the tests themselves, and the test framework they are based upon. Test framework ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Some stability issues. - No mechanism to abort tests when they time out (e.g. this could be implemented using a watchdog). - No convenient way to include or exclude tests on a per-platform basis. - Power domains and affinity levels are considered equivalent but they may not necessarily be. - Need to provide better support to alleviate duplication of test code. There are some recurrent test patterns for which helper functions should be provided. For example, bringing up all CPUs on the platform and executing the same function on all of them, or programming an interrupt and waiting for it to trigger. - Every CPU that participates in a test must return from the test function. If it does not - e.g. because it powered itself off for testing purposes - then the test framework will wait forever for this CPU. This limitation is too restrictive for some tests. - No protection against interrupted flash operations. If the target is reset while some data is written to flash, the test framework might behave incorrectly on reset. - When compiling the code, if the generation of the ``tests_list.c`` and/or ``tests_list.h`` files fails, the build process is not aborted immediately and will only fail later on. - The directory layout requires further improvements. Most of the test framework code has been moved under the ``tftf/`` directory to better isolate it but this effort is not complete. As a result, there are still some TFTF files scattered around. - Pointer Authentication testing is experimental and incomplete at this stage. It is only enabled on the primary CPU on the cold boot. Tests ~~~~~ - Some tests are implemented for AArch64 only and are skipped on AArch32. - Some tests are not robust enough: - Some tests might hang in some circumstances. For example, they might wait forever for a condition to become true. - Some tests rely on arbitrary time delays instead of proper synchronization when executing order-sensitive steps. - Some tests have been implemented in a practical manner: they seem to work on actual hardware but they make assumptions that are not guaranteed by the Arm architecture. Therefore, they might fail on some other platforms. - PSCI stress tests are very unreliable and will often hang. The root cause is not known for sure but this might be due to bad synchronization between CPUs. - The GICv2 spurious IRQ test sometimes fails with the following error message: ``SMC @ lead CPU returned 0xFFFFFFFF 0x8 0xC`` The root cause is unknown. - The FWU tests take a long time to complete. This is because they wait for the watchdog to reset the system. On FVP, TF-A configures the watchdog period to about 4 min. This limit is excessive for an automated testing context and leaves the user without feedback and unable to determine if the tests are proceeding properly. - The test "Target timer to a power down cpu" sometimes fails with the following error message: ``Expected timer switch: 4 Actual: 3`` The root cause is unknown. FWU images ~~~~~~~~~~ - The FWU tests do not work on the revC of the Base AEM FVP. They only work on the revB. - NS-BL1U and NS-BL2U images reuse TFTF-specific code for legacy reasons. This is not a clean design and may cause confusion. Test secure partitions (Cactus, Cactus-MM, Ivy) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - This is experimental code. It's likely to change a lot as the secure partition software architecture evolves. - Supported on AArch64 FVP platform only. All test images ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - TF-A Tests are derived from a fork of TF-A so: - they've got some code in common but lag behind on some features. - there might still be some irrelevant references to TF-A. - Some design issues. E.g. TF-A Tests inherited from the I/O layer of TF-A, which still needs a major rework. - Cannot build TF-A Tests with Clang. Only GCC is supported. - The build system does not cope well with parallel building. The user should not attempt to run multiple jobs in parallel with the ``-j`` option of `GNU make`. - The build system does not properly track build options. A clean build must be performed every time a build option changes. - UUIDs are not compliant to RFC 4122. - No floating point support. The code is compiled with GCC flag ``-mgeneral-regs-only``, which prevents the compiler from generating code that accesses floating point registers. This might limit some test scenarios. - The documentation is too lightweight. - Missing instruction barriers in some places before reading the system counter value. As a result, the CPU could speculatively read it and any delay loop calculations might be off (because based on stale values). We need to examine all such direct reads of the ``CNTPCT_EL0`` register and replace them with a call to ``syscounter_read()`` where appropriate. Version 2.0 ----------- New features ^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the first public release of the Trusted Firmware-A Tests source code. TFTF ~~~~ - Provides a baremetal test framework to exercise TF-A features through its ``SMC`` interface. - Integrates easily with TF-A: the TFTF binary is packaged in the FIP image as a ``BL33`` component. - Standalone binary that runs on the target without human intervention (except for some specific tests that require a manual target reset). - Designed for multi-core testing. The various sub-frameworks allow maximum parallelism in order to stress the firmware. - Displays test results on the UART output. This may then be parsed by an external tool and integrated in a continuous integration system. - Supports running in AArch64 (NS-EL2 or NS-EL1) and AArch32 states. - Supports parsing a tests manifest (XML file) listing the tests to include in the binary. - Detects most platform features at run time (e.g. topology, GIC version, ...). - Provides a topology enumeration framework. Allows tests to easily go through affinity levels and power domain nodes. - Provides an event framework to synchronize CPU operations in a multi-core context. - Provides a timer framework. Relies on a single global timer to generate interrupts for all CPUs in the system. This allows tests to easily program interrupts on demand to use as a wake-up event source to come out of CPU suspend state for example. - Provides a power-state enumeration framework. Abstracts the valid power states supported on the platform. - Provides helper functions for power management operations (CPU hotplug, CPU suspend, system suspend, ...) with proper saving of the hardware state. - Supports rebooting the platform at the end of each test for greater independence between tests. - Supports interrupting and resuming a test session. This relies on storing test results in non-volatile memory (e.g. flash). FWU images ~~~~~~~~~~ - Provides example code to exercise the Firmware Update feature of TF-A. - Tests the robustness of the FWU state machine implemented in the TF-A by sending valid and invalid authentication, copy and image execution requests to the TF-A BL1 image. EL3 test payload ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Tests the ability of TF-A to load an EL3 payload. Cactus test secure partition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Tests that TF-A has correctly setup the secure partition environment: it should be allowed to perform cache maintenance operations, access floating point registers, etc. - Tests the ability of a secure partition to request changing data access permissions and instruction permissions of memory regions it owns. - Tests the ability of a secure partition to handle StandaloneMM requests. Known issues and limitations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The sections below lists the known issues and limitations of each test image provided in this repository. TFTF ~~~~ The TFTF test image might be conceptually sub-divided further in 2 parts: the tests themselves, and the test framework they are based upon. Test framework ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Some stability issues. - No mechanism to abort tests when they time out (e.g. this could be implemented using a watchdog). - No convenient way to include or exclude tests on a per-platform basis. - Power domains and affinity levels are considered equivalent but they may not necessarily be. - Need to provide better support to alleviate duplication of test code. There are some recurrent test patterns for which helper functions should be provided. For example, bringing up all CPUs on the platform and executing the same function on all of them, or programming an interrupt and waiting for it to trigger. - Every CPU that participates in a test must return from the test function. If it does not - e.g. because it powered itself off for testing purposes - then the test framework will wait forever for this CPU. This limitation is too restrictive for some tests. - No protection against interrupted flash operations. If the target is reset while some data is written to flash, the test framework might behave incorrectly on reset. - When compiling the code, if the generation of the tests_list.c and/or tests_list.h files fails, the build process is not aborted immediately and will only fail later on. - The directory layout is confusing. Most of the test framework code has been moved under the ``tftf/`` directory to better isolate it but this effort is not complete. As a result, there are still some TFTF files scattered around. Tests ~~~~~ - Some tests are implemented for AArch64 only and are skipped on AArch32. - Some tests are not robust enough: - Some tests might hang in some circumstances. For example, they might wait forever for a condition to become true. - Some tests rely on arbitrary time delays instead of proper synchronization when executing order-sensitive steps. - Some tests have been implemented in a practical manner: they seem to work on actual hardware but they make assumptions that are not guaranteed by the Arm architecture. Therefore, they might fail on some other platforms. - PSCI stress tests are very unreliable and will often hang. The root cause is not known for sure but this might be due to bad synchronization between CPUs. - The GICv2 spurious IRQ test is Juno-specific. In reality, it should only be GICv2-specific. It should be reworked to remove any platform-specific assumption. - The GICv2 spurious IRQ test sometimes fails with the following error message: ``SMC @ lead CPU returned 0xFFFFFFFF 0x8 0xC`` The root cause is unknown. - The manual tests in AArch32 mode do not work properly. They save some state information into non-volatile memory in order to detect the reset reason but this state does not appear to be retained. As a result, these tests keep resetting infinitely. - The FWU tests take a long time to complete. This is because they wait for the watchdog to reset the system. On FVP, TF-A configures the watchdog period to about 4 min. This is way too long in an automated testing context. Besides, the user gets not feedback, which may let them think that the tests are not working properly. - The test "Target timer to a power down cpu" sometimes fails with the following error message: ``Expected timer switch: 4 Actual: 3`` The root cause is unknown. FWU images ~~~~~~~~~~ - The FWU tests do not work on the revC of the Base AEM FVP. They only work on the revB. - NS-BL1U and NS-BL2U images reuse TFTF-specific code for legacy reasons. This is not a clean design and may cause confusion. Cactus test secure partition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Cactus is experimental code. It's likely to change a lot as the secure partition software architecture evolves. - Fails to link with GNU toolchain 7.3.1. - Cactus is supported on AArch64 FVP platform only. All test images ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - TF-A Tests are derived from a fork of TF-A so: - they've got some code in common but lag behind on some features. - there might still be some irrelevant references to TF-A. - Some design issues. E.g. TF-A Tests inherited from the I/O layer of TF-A, which still needs a major rework. - Cannot build TF-A Tests with Clang. Only GCC is supported. - The build system does not cope well with parallel building. The user should not attempt to run multiple jobs in parallel with the ``-j`` option of `GNU make`. - The build system does not properly track build options. A clean build must be performed every time a build option changes. - SMCCC v2 is not properly supported. - UUIDs are not compliant to RFC 4122. - No floating point support. The code is compiled with GCC flag ``-mgeneral-regs-only``, which prevents the compiler from generating code that accesses floating point registers. This might limit some test scenarios. - The documentation is too lightweight. -------------- *Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.* .. _Arm Neoverse Reference Design N1 Edge (RD-N1-Edge): .. _Arm SGI-575: