Xilinx ZynqMP
The TF-A Tests on Xilinx ZynqMP platform runs from DDR.
Logs are available only on console and not saved in memory(No NVM support).
ZynqMP Platform uses TTC Timer
Build Command
For individual tests/test suite:
make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-elf- PLAT=zynqmp TESTS=<required tests> tftf
For Versal NET Specific tests (includes AMD-Xilinx Tests cases + Standard Test Suite)
make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-elf- PLAT=zynqmp TESTS=versal tftf
Execution on Target
The TF-A Tests uses the memory location of U-boot.
To package the tftf.elf in BOOT.BIN, the u-boot entry in bootgen.bif needs to be replaced with following
[bootloader, destination_cpu=a53-0] zynqmp_fsbl.elf
[pmufw_image] pmufw.elf
[destination_device=pl] pre-built/linux/implementation/download.bit
[destination_cpu=a53-0, exception_level=el-3, trustzone] bl31.elf
[destination_cpu=a53-0, load=0x00100000] system.dtb
[destination_cpu=a53-0, exception_level=el-2] tftf.elf
The BOOT.BIN with TF-A Tests can now be used to run on the target.
The TF-A Tests will be executed after TF-A and the tests report will be available on the console.